
Started a new story...

For those who don't know me, I am a husband, father, amateur proctologist, and I am a writer.  Many of those who do know me might not be aware of my writing.  I have never had anything published* and I have never even submitted any of my stuff to see if there is any interest.  I have been writing for about eight years now, and I finally feel like I am good enough to give it a shot.
 Anyway, I started a short story today with the working title "Cloistre".  It's new territory for me, in a way.  I usually write fantasy and horror.  This one is sf, although not hard sf.  I suppose it is more along the lines of Jack Vance's sf, or Gene Wolfe's sf.  The only real science I am using is maybe anthropology.

I am going to keep a record of my submissions here, as well as any news on that front.  I might even post a short piece or three, if the mood strikes me.  Hell, I guess reviews of stuff that really moves me will pop up here, too.  Mostly books, but also music, movies, cockfights, etc.

Well, I'm off to write some more, then crash.  Have fun and save the battered plants.

* In 6th grade, I wrote a humorous poem about Jim and Tammy Faye Baker just after Jim was sentenced to hard time.  My poem mentioned this in addition to: Jerry Faldwell, PTL's ripoff shemes, Mrs. Baker's incessant stream of tears and her amazing mascara, as well as other fascinating highlights of the Bakers' misery and the fall of the PTL empire.  The poem was printed in the local newspaper.  Mrs. Cook, my 6th grade teacher, an absolutely wonderful lady and the best teacher bar none I ever had, submitted the piece on my behalf.  Mrs. Cook is also responsible for encouraging me to write. If you're out there Mrs.Cook, I haven't forgotten everything you did for me.  Thank you so much.

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